BRWIA董事会 at BRWIA's Annual 董事会/工作人员 Retreat in February 2024; Back row (L-R): Sydney Phillips, 萨凡纳Stanbery, 泰米哈利, 卡琳娜罗梅罗, Amy Roberts; Front Row (L-R): Lanae Hood, 贝蒂娜登, 凯利Renwick, 卡拉道森, 卡洛琳Stahlschmidt, 和玛德琳·乔治
Madelyn George is an entrepreneur, 影响投资者, 拥有杜克大学工商管理硕士学位和芝加哥哥伦比亚学院舞蹈学士学位. 她于2010年开始担任小型企业顾问,专门从事收入前初创公司和早期业务增长. 凭借之前在水疗和健康行业的额外经验,玛德琳开设了 克鲁西斯山谷薰衣草屋 in 2014. The Lavender House merges spa, 零售, 农业是一种非传统的商业模式,其内部战略是培养当地创意人士的创业精神. 目前,Madelyn还是App State管理部门的全职讲师. |
Caroline Stahlschmidt, Vice Chair
Caroline Stahlschmidt is a project manager at 设计目的地. She has also taught yoga at Neighborhood Yoga for over ten years. 她拿的是M。.S. in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from University of Western States and a B.S. in Environmental Science from University of Miami. 卡洛琳喜欢花时间在户外,你经常可以看到她和她的两只狗一起徒步旅行,或者在当地的小路上骑山地自行车. 她热衷于韦德app官网当地的食物系统,并在她的厨房里创造性地使用来自我们令人难以置信的当地农民和她自己的花园的蔬菜. |
Lanae’s love for 当地的 食物 brought her to the Local Environmental Agriculture Project (LEAP) where she serves as the Director of Virginia Fresh Match. VFM provides monetary incentives for low resource families to shop for fresh, 本地食品和促进超过100个农贸市场和其他零售食品网点的网络. 在加入LEAP之前, Lanae spent a decade as a nutrition professor, 食品安全研究员, and 当地的 食物 systems advocate. She currently serves as BRWIA’s 董事会 Secretary, the advisory board for the 高地食品中心 and King St. Farmers’ Market, and as an ambassador to the 把食物的钱翻倍 Program. She grew up in rural Appalachia and is a longtime resident of NC. 她住在北卡罗来纳州和弗吉尼亚州边境的一个宅基地上,她的家人在那里种植水果和蔬菜, 蛋鸡, and heritage breed Kunekune pigs. 她最喜欢的消遣是历史悠久的食品保存和罐头制作,尤其是果酱和萨尔萨酱制作.
艾米罗伯茨目前是财务和校园服务系统的高级主管 阿巴拉契亚州立大学. She has also held the positions of Associate Controller, 助理控制器, and Director of Special Funds Accounting since 1999. 她的大学系统工作经历包括辅助企业会计和财务报告, post-award合同 & 授权管理, endowment and investment accounting, cost accounting for service centers, and management of foundation supported funds. 在加入大学系统之前,她曾在皮埃蒙特担任非营利组织的首席财务官. Amy highly values education in sustainability, 食物 security, nutrition. She devotes much time and energy outside of work to cooking, 园艺, 保存, and developing an edible landscape on her in town mini-farm. |
Sydney Phillips is the administrative assistant for 蓝岭保护协会. She and her husband, Taylor, moved to Boone f她来自北卡罗来纳州东部,在那里为一家专注于改善儿童健康状况的非营利组织管理项目. 这项工作的一部分是创建一个食品系统价值链,以改善托儿中心的食品采购实践,同时也对当地农业经济产生积极影响. Sydney and Taylor are empty nesters; they enjoy trail running, 骑自行车, hiking and camping in the High Country. |
Kelly Ann Renwick is a faculty member in the Global Studies program in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at 阿巴拉契亚州立大学. She is a Health Geographer with a focus on the social determinants of health. Kelly is passionate about reducing health inequalities and increasing access to 食物, particularly among underrepresented populations. 自1999年以来,她一直住在高地国家,很高兴能带来她在社会决定因素方面的知识和专业知识, 食物, and health to BRWIA and our beautiful mountain community. |
Ellen teaches legal ethics at Wake Forest University Law School; she also teaches teachers how to teach online. Ellen grew up in Eastern North Carolina, and her roots in NC agriculture run deep. She made her way west across North Carolina, with a BS in Agri-Business and an MEd in Instructional Technology from NC State, 维克森林大学的法学博士. Prior to joining Wake Forest Law, she was a United States federal appeals court clerk, 公司律师, and a nonprofit Executive Director. An avid baker, Ellen’s favorite place is her kitchen. 她目前正在阿肯色大学攻读农业和食品法法学硕士学位. 艾伦喜欢冬天, 她和她的丈夫, 史蒂夫, spend as much time as possible at their cabin in the NC foothills. |
卡拉拥有并经营 满月农场 就在布恩城外. 她和她的丈夫在2016年创办了这个农产品农场,现在已经发展成为一个繁荣的企业,为高地国家食品中心服务, 区域餐厅, 还有当地的食物银行. 在农业之前, 她的背景是韦德app官网清洁能源和环境正义的社区组织. As a lifelong nature lover and human rights advocate, she is grateful for the opportunity to provide nourishing, organically grown vegetables and fruits to her community. 她珍视祖先长久的指导和所有现在的关系,它们给这一重要工作带来平衡和疗愈. |
安·布朗是土生土长的北卡罗来纳人,住在她丈夫的第五代家庭农场里,农场位于蓝岭山顶的卢瑟伍德社区. She holds degrees in Food Science, 微生物学, 统计数据, 并在食品安全和监管行业工作. Ann’s passion lies in 食物 preparation and the science behind it, an enthusiasm that was cultivated by her mother at a young age. Ann是 BFR肉类 and co-owner of the business along with her son and daughter-in-law. 她为自己在企业中帮助实施的食品安全和库存系统感到自豪. You can find Ann making deliveries, 为家人和其他人服务, and as the face of the business at 当地的 farmers markets. |
贝蒂娜登毕业于阿巴拉契亚州立大学可再生能源系统设计专业,辅修可持续发展专业. 她在大学期间涉猎了非营利组织的管理,并在洛比托斯的一家韦德app官网可持续冲浪旅游的非营利组织实习, 秘鲁. Bettina loves homesteading and her goal is to become as self-sustaining as possible. 2018年,她和丈夫在北卡罗来纳州阿什县启动了一个市场花园和养猪项目. Bettina's love for pigs is no secret to her friends and family, 但, 最后, due to the growth of her cleaning business and her family, Bettina has decided to take a break from pig farming as of Spring of 2023. 贝蒂娜最大的热情是为当地社区成员提供平等的成功机会. This is why she decided to focus on her cleaning business, 清净山野, 谁的价值观是提供社区成员可以信赖的优质清洁服务,同时为当地社区成员提供高质量的工作. Serving her community is also what led Bettina to lending a helping hand to BRWIA.
Karina is a NC native that's been living in the High Country since 2009. 她来自夏洛特,在阿巴拉契亚州立大学接受教育后来到布恩. 她目前在 AppHealthCare, a district health department that covers Watauga, Ashe & Alleghany有限公司. 在那里, 她在社区卫生小组工作,重点是健康促进,重点是健康食品的获取. From growing up in a Latin household, cooking with mostly raw ingredients for meals was incorporated into her lifestyle. 在给她的两个孩子准备食物时,她试图表现出同样的关心和体贴,重点是新鲜, 当地的, organic products as much as possible.
2021年,萨凡纳从阿巴拉契亚州立大学毕业后离开了10年,她对蓝岭山脉的热爱使她回到了布恩. A Western North Carolina native, Savannah grew up connected to farming culture. A passion for good quality 当地的 食物 and growers soon followed. 在她的事业中, she has worked with several arts non profits, such as Penland School of Crafts and the Gadsden Arts Center. 在返回布恩之前, 她在佛罗里达州立大学获得艺术管理硕士学位,然后在北卡罗来纳大学艺术学院从事了六年的开发工作. Savannah currently serves as Assistant Director of App State的校友事务. 她渴望在布恩社区投资,回馈给一个激励她、尊重当地食物和所有使之成为可能的人的组织.